Sant Joan les Fonts, Spain

Sant Joan les Fonts is an administrative subregion in in Spain with a population of approximately 2,879 people.

Facts and figures on Sant Joan les Fonts at a glance

Region name: Sant Joan les Fonts (Sant Joan les Fonts)
Status: Adminstrative subregion
Population: 2,879 people
Region name (Level 1):
Country: Spain
Continent: Europe

Facts and figures on Sant Joan les Fonts
RegionPopulationRegional headquartersPopulation
Sant Joan les Fonts Sant Joan les Fonts2,879 people--

Compare with other regions in .

Map of Sant Joan les Fonts

Map of Sant Joan les Fonts

Information on Sant Joan les Fonts

Information on Sant Joan les Fonts
Region nameRegion name Level 1CountryContinent
Sant Joan les Fonts Sant Joan les Fonts SpainEurope

Time in Sant Joan les Fonts

Time in Sant Joan les Fonts
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Mon, 20 May 2024 - 4:15am (04:15h)In effect (+1 hour)Mon, 20 May 2024 - 3:15am (03:15h)GMT UTC +2.0Europe/Madrid

Geographic coordinates of Sant Joan les Fonts

Latitude & Longitude of Sant Joan les Fonts
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map42°12'14.9"N (42.2041500°)2°32'20.0"E (2.5388800°)

External sources of information on Sant Joan les Fonts

Sant Joan les Fonts on Wikipedia